All eight shoes from the adidas Dragon Ball Z collection have been revealed; they will begin releasing in August featuring iconic match-ups between protagonists and antagonists of the Dragon Ball franchise. It starts in August with Son Goku and Frieza/Freeza from the “Freeza Saga” represented by the adidas ZX 500 RM and the Yung-1. September will feature Son Gohan and Cell from the “Cell and the Androids Saga” with the new adidas Deerupt and the Prophere. It continues in November with Vegeta and Majin Buu from the “Majin Buu Saga” represented by the Ultra Tech and the Kamanda. As of this report, the collection concludes in December with Shenlong and Super Shenlong (alternately spelled “Shenron”) and the upcoming EQT Mid ADV. We would guess December is based on “The Secret of the Dragon Balls.”
The entire selection of footwear highlights adidas’ newer footwear models that are set to debut throughout 2018. The obvious lack of BOOST footwear models might be alarming, but adidas is attempting to bring energy around fresh silhouettes in an effort to broaden consumer interest beyond the predictable NMD route. Additionally, The Yeezy Mafia reveals that each shoe release will come with an action figure of the corresponding character.
There are rumors that characters Mr. Popo, Yajirobe, Tenshinhan and Mr. Satan will also be getting their own silhouette, which suggests that the adidas Dragon Ball Z collection may extend beyond the eight shoes seen here.
See all eight adidas Dragon Ball Z shoes/check out an unboxing video of the “Goku” ZX500 RM below, and stay tuned for the latest updates regarding this major Fall 2018 collaboration.
Update September 1, 2018: adidas Originals took to social media to tease the official announcement of their collaboration with the legendary global anime series Dragon Ball Z. The collaboration will focus on three of the most iconic battles re-imagined in sneaker form. While early leaks called for the release to kick off in August, adidas has confirmed September 2018 as the official kick off. Shoes have not been revealed but check our adidas x Dragon Ball Z page for what’s been leaked so far. And stay tuned for more details around this special release.
Updated September 14th, 2018: The adidas Dragon Ball Z collection will first be releasing on September 29th by paying homage to the palpable rivalry between Son Goku and Frieza. The anime superstars are represented by the ZX 500 RM and the YUNG-1 respectively. Check out our exclusive unboxing of the Goku and the Frieza selections while you wait for the drop.
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